Members of AFAA's Operation and Medical Boards
Ramalingham Arumugam, M.D. Medical Director
Dr. Arumugam practices with Minnesota Gastroenterology, is interested in cystic fibrosis, liver diseases, food allergies, nutrition, and clinical photography, and is actively involved in many clinical research studies, including Pediatric IBD, GERD, and eosinophilic esophagitis. He lectures and is actively involved in AFAA Camp.

Nona Narvaez, Co-Founder
Nona Narvaez is a co-founder of AFAA, and has served as its Executive Director since its inception in 2001. Under Ms. Narvaez AFAA has grown to be the largest state food allergy organization in the U.S. Ms. Narvaez has worked for the Minnesota Legislature and U.S. Congress as a policy research analyst, and has her M.A. (public affairs) and B.A. degrees from the University of Minnesota.
Becky Reiling, Treasurer
Becky Reiling has served as Chair of the AFAA Food Allergy Awareness Walk committee, and has served on the planning committees of the Benefit Concert/Silent Auction, and the Food Allergy Conference & Expo. She is an employee of Ecolab, and has a nephew with life-threatening food allergies.

Jeff Schaefer, Co-Founder
Jeff Schaefer is a co-founder of AFAA (his wife is Nona Narvaez). He and Ms. Narvaez are parents of a food allergic child. Mr. Schaefer works as a web developer for He is a mathematics graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (S.B.) and the University of Minnesota (M.S.).

Allan Stillerman, M.D. Medical Director
Dr. Allan Stillerman practices with the Allergy & Asthma Specialists, and conducts research through the Clinical Research Institute in Minnesota and is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Minnesota’s Department of Medicine. He lectures frequently for AFAA audiences, fellow medical colleagues, and the media.
Kristi Winkels, R.D., L.D. Medical Director
Kristi Winkels, RD, LD, is a Twin Cities based Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist and is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Her professional experience includes nutrition education with local WIC programs, health coaching and clinical nutrition in acute and long term care centers, and creating the website Eating With Food